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Friday, July 27, 2012

Pintu Neraka sudah 40 tahun tetap menyala !!!

Siapa sangka kegiatan pengeboran minyak oleh Uni Soviet 40 tahun lalu itu malah menimbulkan fenomena unik di Desa Derweze, Turkmenistan. Lubang menganga berdiameter 70 meter terletak di tengah Gurun Karakum itu menjadi tontonan wisatawan sejagat saat melancong ke negara itu. Warga setempat menyebutnya sebagai Pintu Neraka. Tentu itu hanya kiasan.

Fenomena alam itu bermula pada 1971. Saat itu sekelompok ahli geologi Uni Soviet melakukan kegiatan pengeboran guna mencari sumber minyak bumi. Tetapi saat eksplorasi, tiba-tiba tanah di sekitar area itu runtuh. Alhasil peralatan berat rusak dan terperosok ke dalam lubang besar. Sejurus kemudian gas alam keluar dari lokasi itu, seperti dilansir dari surat kabar the Daily Mail, Jumat (27/7).

Kumpulan ahli itu kemudian memutuskan membakar gas itu lantaran ditakutkan mengandung racun. Mereka pun pulang dengan tangan hampa. Mereka mengira gas itu bakal habis terbakar dalam beberapa hari. Tetapi nyatanya sampai hari ini api itu tetap menyala.

Daerah gurun menutupi sebagian besar Turkmenistan. Meski begitu, negara pecahan Uni Soviet itu kaya akan sumber daya minyak dan gas bumi. Terutama di sekitar Laut Aral, Sungai Amu Darya, dan Gurun Kyzyl Kum.

Di malam hari cahaya api dari dalam lubang itu dari kejauhan nampak indah. Hal itu menarik minat turis di penjuru dunia menyambangi Desa Derweze, berjarak 260 kilometer dari Ibu Kota Ashgabat.�

Dua tahun lalu, Presiden Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, berkunjung ke lokasi dan menyatakan bakal menutup situs geologi itu. Tetapi sampai sekarang gagasan itu tidak terwujud.

Pintu Neraka di Turkmenistan ini mengesankan banyak orang, berbeda dengan kegagalan eksplorasi di Desa Porong, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia malah membuat penderitaan banyak manusia.


On the edge: Two people stand and look into the burning hole, which has become known as 'The Door to Hell'

On the edge: Two people stand and look into the burning hole, which has become known as 'The Door to Hell'

Illuminating: The hole in Derweze, Turkmenistan, is 70 metres wide and the flames within light up the sky

Illuminating: The hole in Derweze, Turkmenistan, is 70 metres wide and the flames within light up the sky

Light show: A spectacular view of the flames burning inside the crater in the heart of the Karakum Desert

Light show: A spectacular view of the flames burning inside the crater in the heart of the Karakum Desert

Dramatic: The raging fire inside the crater has been burning for more than 40 years

Dramatic: The raging fire inside the crater has been burning for more than 40 years

Hot: A closer view of the fire inside the hole, which locals have named 'The Door to Hell'

Hot: A closer view of the fire inside the hole, which locals have named 'The Door to Hell'

Fiery: The blaze began when geologists decided to burn off natural gas they discovered while drilling at the site

Fiery: The blaze began when geologists decided to burn off natural gas they discovered while drilling at the site

Landmark: The bright glow created by the fire can be seen for miles around the village

Landmark: The bright glow created by the fire can be seen for miles around the village

Shining: The hole looks like a golden oasis in the middle of the desert in Turkmenistan

Shining: The hole looks like a golden oasis in the middle of the desert in Turkmenistan

Long way down: The hole was formed in 1971 when ground beneath a drilling rig collapsed

Long way down: The hole was formed in 1971 when ground beneath a drilling rig collapsed

Spectacle: The hole attracts visitors, more than 40 years after Soviet geologists drilled at the site

Spectacle: The hole attracts visitors, more than 40 years after Soviet geologists drilled at the site

Never-ending: Geologists hoped the fire would use all the gas in the hole within days, but it is still burning today

Never-ending: Geologists hoped the fire would use all the gas in the hole within days, but it is still burning today


sumber :

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