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Thursday, August 30, 2012

10 Drummer Terbaik di Dunia

1) Shannon Leto (30 Seconds to Mars)
�A GOD of drumming. no matter what!�

 2) Yoshiki Hayashi
�great skill!�
3) Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan (Avenged Sevenfold)
�Great Hit Drummer�
4) Neil Peart (Rush)
�The quickest and most percise drummer in the world sorry Lars Ulrich but your good to.

Sure Shannon Leto can go fast but he can�t make it sound good and deliver the power of Peart.�

5) Joey Jordison (Slipknot)
�Have you seen the videos for his solos?�
6) John Bonham (Led Zeppelin)
�You see, and you will be know�

7) Lars Ulrich (Metallica)
�the best! 30 second to mars people go listenn to master of puppets!�
8) Travis Barker (Blink 182, Plus 44)
�Three words; Travis Barker, Youtube, and Souja� Boy Crank That!�

9) Shinya (Dir en grey)
�OMFG! Shinya rocks! Shinya is on of the bestest drummers alive!�

10) Danny Carey (Tool)
�Danny Carey has a very cool way of playing with his
polyrythms and time signatures and he just rocks My favorite songs with him are Reflection, Lateralus.Right in Two, and Ticks and Leeches.�

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